应北京大学“大学堂”讲学计划的邀请,享誉世界的英国艺术史学家、考古学家、汉学家、牛津大学教授杰西卡·罗森爵士(Professor Dame Jessica Rawson),将于2024年5月9日—6月3日访问北京大学,并发表系列演讲,与国内从事考古学、艺术史等领域研究的学者展开对话交流。

主题:中国的大墓与其内涵:从公元前 3000 年到汉代
China’s great tombs and their contents: from 3000 BC to the Han Dynasty(206 BC-AD 220)
张弛 教授
北京大学中国考古学研究中心 主任
China developed the longest and probably the most impressive tomb tradition in the world. Large and deep tombs, with many fine ritual vessels, lacquers and textiles were buried for the person’s afterlife. We still find the skill and fine craftsmanship of Shang, Zhou and Han materials astonishing, when we see there great works in a museum.The talk will describe the source of the deep tombs from the late Neolithic in the loess valleys of the Yellow River. Some of the largest and deepest were built for the kings of the late Shang. The first part of the talk will emphasise the elaborate planning and engineering, along with the organisation of a large labour force, to create these great monuments.Next, the Western and Eastern Zhou dynasty tombs will illustrate not just the scale of the tombs, but also their contents. Some show us the importance of ritual vessels, some the contact with neighbours of the Zhou. Others present the growing variety of furniture in a tomb to support a rich afterlife.If we look at the tombs in eastern China, we find some very unusual burial practices. These are often overlooked. They include burials of a lord with multiple attendants, a pair of large circular tombs at Bengbu in Anhui province, and rows of horse deposits in the Qi state. All these suggest contact with the north along the east.The most complex burials are those of the late Qin state and the First Emperor. Here we will look at the terracotta warriors, not just as examples of great skill but also as providing an army for the afterlife. Some Han period texts on bamboo slips confirm that the figures in the tombs provided servants and military figures to assist the tomb owner in the afterlife.
杰西卡‧罗森教授(Professor Dame Jessica Rawson)是英国著名的艺术史学家、考古学家、汉学家,曾任大英博物馆东方古物部主任、牛津大学墨顿学院院长、牛津大学副校长。1990年荣膺英国国家学术院院士,2002年因其在东方研究的突出贡献获英国女王授勋封爵(DBE),2012年获选为美国艺术与科学院外籍院士,2017年获颁弗瑞尔奖章,2022年因其在中国艺术与考古领域的成就获唐奖汉学奖。