题名 |
著者 |
出版社信息 |
索书号 |
1 |
Loci sacri : understanding sacred places |
T. Coomans[et al.], eds |
Leuven University Press, c.2012 |
B977/L789 |
2 |
Community involvement in heritage |
Koen Van Balen and Aziliz Vandesande, eds |
Garant, 2015 |
G112-53/C737 |
3 |
Heritage counts |
Koen van Balen and Aziliz Vandesande, eds |
Garant, 2016 |
G112-532/H425 |
4 |
Innovative built heritage models : edited contributions to the International Conference on Innovative Built Heritage Models and Preventive Systems (CHANGES), 6-8 February 2017, Leuven, Belgium |
Koen Van Balen & Aziliz Vandesande, eds |
CRC Press, 2018 |
G112-532/In8 |
5 |
Porcelain repair and restoration |
Nigel Williams |
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002 |
G264/W674.2 |
6 |
(겨레와 함께 한)국립박물관 60년 |
국립중앙박물관 편저 |
국립중앙박물관, 2005 |
G269.3126/KOR22 |
7 |
불국사 : 불국사박물관 개관전 |
불국사박물관 편 |
불국사박물관, 2018 |
G269.3126/KOR31 |
8 |
Management of art galleries |
Magnus Resch |
Phaidon Press Limited, 2018 |
J114/R311 |
9 |
William Hunter and the anatomy of the modern museum |
edited by Mungo Campbell and Nathan Flis |
Yale Center for British Art; University of Glasgow ; Yale University Press, 2018 |
J156.14-28/W67 |
10 |
仏師とその工房をめぐる諸問題 研究発表と座談会 |
興膳宏編集 |
仏教美術研究上野記念財団, 2019 |
J196.2/01:45/J |
11 |
고대불교조각대전 = Masterpieces of early Buddhist sculpture, 100BCE-700CE |
국립중앙박물관 [편] |
국립중앙박물관, 2015 |
J196.2/KOR11 |
12 |
Blue & white : Chinese porcelain around the world |
John Carswell |
Art Media Resources, 2000 |
J527/C239a |
13 |
Chinese porcelain : the transitional period, 1620-1683 : a selection from the Michael Butler collection |
compiled by Princessehof Museum, the Netherlands |
Princessehof Museum, 1986 |
J527/C4412 |
14 |
Chinese celadon wares |
G.St.G.M. Gompertz |
Faber and Faber, 1980 |
J527/G586 |
15 |
Early Chinese pottery and porcelain |
Basil Gray |
Faber and Faber, 1953 |
J527/G791 |
16 |
Ming pottery and porcelain |
Soame Jenyns |
Faber and Faber, 1953 |
J527/J458 |
17 |
China trade porcelain: patterns of exchange : additions to the Helena Woolworth McCann Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Clare Le Corbeiller; foreword by John Goldsmith Phillips |
Metropolitan Museum of Art; distributed by New York Graphic Society, c.1974 |
J527/L496 |
18 |
How to read Chinese ceramics |
Denise Patry Leidy |
The Metropolitan Museum Of Art, 2015 |
J527/L532 |
19 |
Illustrated catalogue of underglaze blue and copper red decorated porcelains in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art : section 3. |
University of London, 2004 |
J527/P412 |
20 |
Bencharong : Chinese porcelain for Siam |
Dawn F. Rooney |
River Books, 2017 |
J527/R674 |
21 |
Chinese porcelain of the Chʻing dynasty |
H. M. Stationery Office, 1957 |
J527/V666 |
22 |
Japanese pottery |
Soame Jenyns |
Faber and Faber, 1979 |
J537(313)/J458 |
23 |
四川のチャン族 汶川大地震をのりこえて(1950-2009) = 四川的羌族汶川大地震前後(1950-2009) |
李紹明、 松岡正子 主編 |
風響社, 2010 |
K287.4/01/J |
24 |
天理参考館常設展示図録 世界の生活文化 世界の考古美術 |
天理参考館 編 |
天理参考館, 2001 |
K869/02/J |
25 |
シルクロード·ニヤ遺跡の謎 |
中井真孝、小島康誉 編 |
東方出版, 2002 |
K872.45/2/J |
26 |
중국진한와당 = 中國秦漢瓦當 |
유금와당박물관 [편] |
유금와당박물관, 2019 |
K876.3/KOR7 |
27 |
Chinese celadons and other related wares in Southeast Asia |
compiled by Southeast Asian Ceramic Society |
Arts Orientalis, c.1979 |
K876.3/So88 |
28 |
A handbook of Chinese ceramics |
Suzanne G. Valenstein |
Metropolitan Museum of Art; distributed by New York Graphic Society, 1975 |
K876.3/V234 |
29 |
青銅器の内部を探る X線CTスキャナによる中国古代青銅器の構造技法解析 |
泉屋博古館 編 |
泉屋博古館, 2012 |
K876.41/025/J |
30 |
General Study of Chinese Bronzes |
陈梦家 |
中华书局, 2019 |
K876.41/C42 |
31 |
慶尙左水營城址 : 북문지 일원 |
부산박물관 편저 |
釜山博物館, 2016 |
K883.12683/ KOR9 |
32 |
瀬名遺跡 静清バイパス(瀬名地区)埋蔵文化財発掘調査概報 |
静岡県埋蔵文化財調査研究所 編 |
静岡県埋蔵文化財調査研究所, 1987 |
K883.13/ 013(2)/J |
33 |
川合遺跡 静清バイパス(川合地区)埋蔵文化財発掘調査概報 |
静岡県埋蔵文化財調査研究所 編 |
静岡県埋蔵文化財調査研究所, 1985 |
K883.13/014/J |
34 |
歴史を塗り替えた日本列島発掘史 |
大塚初重 著 |
KADOKAWA, 2014 |
K883.13/ 0287/J |
35 |
日本考古学年報 70 |
日本考古学協会 編 |
日本考古学協会, 1948- |
K883.138/ 0156(70)/J |
36 |
向山 |
芹澤長介 編 |
東北大学文学部考古学研究室, 1980 |
K883.138/ 0222(3)/J |
37 |
モサンル |
芹沢長介 編 |
東北大学文学部考古学研究室, 1983 |
K883.138/ 0222(4)/J |
38 |
平城京左京五条五坊二坪 奈良警察署庁舎建設に伴う発掘調査報告書 |
奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 編 |
奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2015 |
K883.138/ 033 (165)/J |
39 |
飛鳥宮跡出土木簡 |
奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 編集 |
奈良県立橿原考古学研究所, 2019 |
K883.138/ 033(182)/J |
40 |
島の山古墳 前方部埋葬施設の調査 |
奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 編集 |
橿原 奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 2019 |
K883.138/ 033(183)/J |
41 |
九州歴史資料館研究論集 44 |
九州歴史資料館 編 |
九州歴史資料館, 2019 |
K883.138/ 077(44)/J |
42 |
大宰府史跡発掘調査報告書 X 平成28・29年度 |
九州歷史資料館 [編] |
九州歴史資料館, 2019 |
K883.138/ 078(10)/J |
43 |
九州に偏在する中国系彫刻についての基礎的研究 薩摩塔と宋風獅子の基準設定にかかる考察 |
井形進 編 |
九州歴史資料館, 2018 |
K883.1393/ 02/J |
44 |
Asian archaeology |
Research Center for Chinese Frontier Archaeology of Jilin University |
Science Press, 2013- |
K883/As0421 (2016, v.4) |
45 |
South Asian archaeology, 1997 : proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in the Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, 7-14 July 1997 |
edited by Maurizio Taddei and Giuseppe De Marco |
Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2000 |
K883/Se067/ v.90(1) |
46 |
South Asian archaeology, 1997 : proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in the Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, 7-14 July 1997 |
edited by Maurizio Taddei and Giuseppe De Marco |
Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2000 |
K883/Se067/ v.90(2) |
47 |
South Asian archaeology, 1997 : proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of South Asian Archaeologists, held in the Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, 7-14 July 1997 |
edited by Maurizio Taddei and Giuseppe De Marco |
Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, 2000 |
K883/Se067/ v.90(3) |
48 |
Сокровища кургана Хохлач : Новочеркасский клад |
И.П. Засецкая |
Гос. Эрмитаж, 2011 |
K885.121/ З-36 |
49 |
Bericht der Romisch-Germanischen Kommission |
Philipp Von Zabern |
K885.16/D0489 (Bd.95) |
50 |
Germania |
Jos. Baer & Co., 1918- |
K885.16/G0317(Bd.96/1-2) |
51 |
2nd International conference : archaeometallurgy in Europe 2007, Aquileia, Italy 17-21 June 2007 : selected papers |
organised by Associazione italiana di metallurgia |
Associazione italiana metallurgia, 2009 |
K885-532/ Ar22:2 |
52 |
A short history of seafaring |
Steve Parker |
DK Publishing, 2019 |
K91/L389 |
53 |
水經注疏訳注 |
東洋文庫中国古代地域史研究班編 |
東洋文庫, 2008-2019 |
K928.4/1(4)/J |
54 |
水經注疏訳注 |
東洋文庫中国古代地域史研究班編 |
東洋文庫, 2008-2019 |
K928.4/ 1(4别)/J |
55 |
Systema naturae 標本は語る 鉱物界 動物界 植物界 |
大場秀章 編 |
東京大学総合研究博物館, 2004 |
N28/1/J |
56 |
The Chinese potter : a practical history of Chinese ceramics |
Margaret Medley |
Scribner, c.1976 |
TQ174-092/ M469 |