学术论著 :
1. 李锋、陈福友、王山等:《甘肃省徐家城旧石器时代遗址2009年发掘与研究》,北京:科学出版社,2020年。
1. Feng Li*, Jing Zhou, Jincheng Ren, Fuyou Chen, Xinying Zhou*, John Olsen, Xing Gao. 2023. Environmental reconstruction and dating of Shixiakou Locality 1 on China’s West Loess Plateau: implications for human adaptive changes apparent during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and post‑LGM periods. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 16:15 (online,DOI:10.1007/s12520-023-01922-1)
2. Yuchao Zhao, Jing Zhou, Fuyou Chen, Xiaomin Wang, Junyi Ge*, Xing Gao, Brian A. Stewart, Feng Li*. 2021. Lithic technological responses to environmental change during the penultimate glacial cycle (MIS 7–6) at the Yangshang site, western Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary Research, 103:148-159.
3. Feng Li*, Michael Petraglia, Patrick Roberts, Xing Gao. 2020. The northern dispersal of early modern humans in eastern Eurasia. Science Bulletin, 65(20): 1699-1701.
4. Feng Li*, Steven Kuhn, Fu-you Chen, Xing Gao. 2020. Intra-assemblage variation in the macro-blade assemblage from the 1963 excavation at Shuidonggou locality 1, northern China, in the context of regional variation. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234576.
5. Feng Li*, Nils Vanwezer*, Nicole Boivin, Xing Gao, Florian Ott, Michael Petraglia*, Patrick Roberts*. 2019. Heading north: Late Pleistocene environments and human dispersals in central and eastern Asia. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216433.
6. Feng Li, Yinghua Li, Xing Gao*, Steven L Kuhn, Eric Boëda, John W Olsen. 2019. A refutation of reported Levallois technology from Guanyindong Cave in south China, National Science Review 6(6): 1094-1096.
7. Feng Li*, Steven Kuhn, Ofer Bar-Yosef, Fu-you Chen, Fei Peng, Xing Gao. 2019. History, Chronology and Techno-Typology of the Upper Paleolithic Sequence in the Shuidonggou Area, Northern China. Journal of World Prehistory, 32(2): 111-141.
8. Feng Li*, Jian Wang, Xinying Zhou, Xiaomin Wang, Hao Long, Yupeng Chen, John Olsen, Fuyou Chen. 2018. Early Marine Isotope Stage 3 human occupation of the Shandong Peninsula, coastal North China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 33: 934-944.
9. Feng Li*, Christopher J. Bae*, Christopher B. Ramsey, Fuyou Chen, Xing Gao. 2018. Re-dating Zhoukoudian Upper Cave, northern China and its regional significance. Journal of Human Evolution, 121: 170-177.
10. Feng Li*,Fuyou Chen*,Shuangquan Zhang,Xing Gao. 2018. Linking spatial grids of the old and new excavations at Zhoukoudian Locality 1, China. Journal of Human Evolution, 121: 166-169.
11. Feng Li*, Steven L Kuhn, Fu-you Chen, Ying-huan Wang, John Southon, Fei Peng, Ming-chao Shan, Chun-xue Wang, Jun-yi Ge, Xiao-min Wang, Tala Yun, Xing Gao*. 2018. The easternmost Middle Paleolithic (Mousterian) from Jinsitai Cave, North China. Journal of Human Evolution, 114: 76-84.
12. Feng Li*, Steven L. Kuhn, Fu-you Chen, Xing Gao. 2016. Raw material economies and mobility patterns in the Late Paleolithic at Shuidonggou locality 2, North China. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 43: 83-93.
13. Feng Li*, Fu-you Chen*, Ying-hua Wang, Xing Gao. 2016. Technology diffusion and population migration reflected in blade technologies in northern China in the Late Pleistocene. Science China: Earth Sciences, 59 (8): 1540-1553.(李锋,陈福友,汪英华,高星. 晚更新世晚期中国北方石叶技术所反映的技术扩散与人群迁移. 中国科学 地球科学,2016, 46(7): 891-905)
14. Feng Li*. 2016. An Experimental study of bipolar reduction at Zhoukoudian locality 1, north China. Quaternary International, 400: 23-29.
15. Feng Li*, Steven L. Kuhn, Xing Gao. 2015. A response to Keates and Kuzimin. Antiquity, 89 (345): 721-723.
16. Feng Li*. 2014. Fact or Fiction: the Middle Palaeolithic in China. Antiquity, 88, 342, 1303-1309.
17. Feng Li*, Fu-you Chen, Xing Gao. 2014. “Modern behaviors” of ancient populations at Shuidonggou Locality 2 and their implications. Quaternary International, 347: 66-73.
18. Feng Li*, Steven L. Kuhn, John W. Olsen, Fu-you Chen, Xing Gao. 2014. Disparate stone age technological evolution in North China: lithic technological variability and relations between populations during MIS 3. Journal of Anthropological Research, 70: 35-67.
19. Feng Li, Xing Gao*, Fuyou Chen, Shuwen Pei, Yue Zhang, Xiaoling Zhang, Decheng Liu, Shuangquan Zhang, Ying Guan, Huimin Wang, Steven L. Kuhn. 2013. The development of Upper Paleolithic China: new results from the Shuidonggou site. Antiquity, 87, 336: 368-383.
20. Feng Li, Steven L. Kuhn, Xing Gao*, Fuyou Chen. 2013. Re-examination of the dates of large blade technology in China—a comparison of Shuidonggou Locality 1 and Locality 2. Journal of Human Evolution, 64 (2): 161-168.
21. 李锋*,姜莉君. 2023. 关于旧石器时代遗址发掘报告撰写的思考. 人类学学报, 42(5): 701-708.
22. 仝广, 李锋*, 高星. 楔形细石核压制剥片技术的实验研究. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(03): 305-316.
23. 张月书, 李锋*, 陈福友, 仪明洁, 高星. 泥河湾盆地东谷坨遗址6A2层的形成过程. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(01): 61-74.
24. 张钰哲, 仝广, 张月书, 胡晓纯, 李锋*. 石制品技术分析的盲测实验. 人类学学报, 2022, 41(06): 994-1004.
25. 任进成, 王法岗, 李锋*, 杨庆江, 陈福友, 高星. 泥河湾盆地板井子旧石器时代遗址的形成过程. 人类学学报, 2021, 40(03): 378-392.
26. 张月书, 李锋*,王晓敏,陈福友,高星. 旧石器时代遗址发掘与记录方法讨论. 人类学学报, 2021, (02): 181-193.
27. 李锋, 李英华, 高星*. 2020. 贵州观音洞遗址石制品剥片技术辨析. 人类学学报, 39(4): 1-11.
28. 王法岗, 李锋*. 2020. “许家窑人”埋藏地层与时代探讨. 人类学学报, 39(2): 161-172.
29. 任进成, 李锋*, 陈福友, 高星. 2020. 石制品废片尺寸分布的实验研究:以泥河湾盆地大田洼区域燧石原料为例. 人类学学报, 39(3): 379-391.
30. 李锋*,陈福友,赵海龙,高星. 2019. 试论“水平层”与旧石器时代遗址考古发掘方法. 考古, 1: 85-95.
31. 李锋*,陈福友,邢路达,高星. 2018. 欧洲旧石器时代晚期石器类型学评介及类型学相关问题探讨. 人类学学报, 37: 934-944.
32. 李锋*, 高星. 2018. 东亚现代人来源的考古学思考:证据与解释. 人类学学报, 37: 176-191.
33. 李锋*. 2017. 克拉克的“技术模式”与中国旧石器技术演化研究. 考古, 9: 73-81.
34. 李锋*, 陈福友, 李罡, 王山, 高星. 2015. 甘肃徐家城旧石器遗址石制品拼合研究. 人类学学报, 34: 180-191.
35. 李锋*, 陈福友, 高星. 2014. 水洞沟遗址第2地点古人类“行为现代性”及演化意义. 人类学学报, 33, 510-521.
36. 李锋*, 陈福友, 高星, 刘德成, 王辉, 张东菊. 2013. 甘肃徐家城旧石器遗址的年代研究. 人类学学报, 32(4): 432-440.
37. 李锋*, 陈福友, 王辉, 刘德成, 王山, 张东菊, 李罡, 张晓凌, 高星. 2012. 甘肃省徐家城旧石器遗址发掘简报. 人类学学报, 31 (3): 209-227.
38. 李锋*. 2012. 石叶概念探讨. 人类学学报, 31 (1): 41-50.
39. 李锋*, 王春雪, 刘德成, 张晓凌, 张双权, 高星. 2011. 周口店第一地点第4~5层脉石英原料产地分析. 第四纪研究, 31 (5): 900-908.
40. 李锋, 陈福友*, 高星, 刘德成, 张东菊, 王山. 2011. 甘肃省水洛河、清水河2009年旧石器考古学调查. 人类学学报, 30 (2): 137-148.
41. 李锋*. 2008. 试析石器的加工方式. 见高星、石金鸣、冯兴无主编, 天道酬勤桃李香—贾兰坡院士百年诞辰纪念文集, 北京: 科学出版社, 304-313.
42. Steven L. Kuhn, Feng Li. 2019. Abundant blade segments at Shuidonggou, Locality 1: Intentional or accidental? Archaeological Research in Asia, 17: 62-69.
43. Gao Xing, Li Feng, Guan Ying, Zhang Xiaoling, John W Olsen. 2019. An archaeological perspective on the origins and evolution of modern humans in China. 人类学学报, 38(3): 317-334.
44. Christopher J. Bae,Feng Li,Liuling Cheng,Wei Wang,Hanlie Hong. 2018. Hominin distribution and density patterns in Pleistocene China: Climatic influences. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 512: 118-131.
45. Mingjie Yi, Fuyou Chen, Feng Li, Yu Li, Gang Li. 2018. New discoveries of the Huangniliang site and cultural diversity in North China during early MIS 3. Quaternary International, 535: 13-20.
46. Gao Xing, Peng Fei, Fu QiaoMei, Li Feng. 2017. New progress in understanding the origins of modern humans in China. Science China (Earth Sciences), 60: 2160-2170.
47. Xiaomei Nian, Feng Li, Fuyou Chen, Weiguo Zhang, Yuchao Zhao, Jing Zhou, Xing Gao. 2016. Optically stimulated luminescence ages for human occupation during the penultimate glaciation in the western Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(8): 928-935.
48. Yi Wei, Francesco d'Errico, Marian Vanhaeren, Feng Li, Xing Gao. 2016. An Early Instance of Upper Palaeolithic Personal Ornamentation from China: The Freshwater Shell Bead from Shuidonggou 2. PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0155847.
49. Mingjie Yi, Xing Gao, Feng Li, Fuyou Chen. 2016. Rethinking the origin of microblade technology: A chronological and ecological perspective. Quaternary International, 400: 130-139.
50. Xiaomei Nian, Fuyou Chen, Feng Li, Xing Gao. 2015. Optical dating of a Paleolithic site near the eastern coastal region of Shandong, northern China. Quaternary Geochronology, 30 (part B): 466-471.
51. Guan Ying, Gao Xing, Li Feng, Pei Shuwen, Chen Fuyou, Zhou Zhenyu. (关莹, 高星, 李锋, 裴树文, 陈福友, 周振宇)2012. Modern human behaviors during the late stage of the MIS3 and the Broad Spectrum Revolution: evidence from a Shuidonggou Late Paleolithic site. Chinese Science Bulletin 57: 379-386. (MIS3晚期阶段的现代人行为与“广谱革命”:来自水洞沟遗址的证据. 科学通报, 57(1): 65-72.)
52. 赵宇超, 李锋, 周静, 陈福友, 高星. 甘肃杨上旧石器遗址剥片技术与策略. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(05): 604-615.
53. 仝广, 李锋, 高星. 东北亚楔形细石核模拟剥片实验研究的回顾与展望. 人类学学报, 2023, 42(01): 129-136.
54. 王晓敏, 王法岗, 陈福友, 李锋, 高星. 泥河湾盆地板井子晚更新世遗址古人类对动物资源的消费策略. 人类学学报, 2022, 41(06): 1005-1016.
55. 赵宇超,周静,李锋,陈福友(执笔). 2019. 甘肃张家川县杨上旧石器时代遗址的发掘. 考古, (2): 3-15.
56. 任进成, 李锋, 王晓敏, 陈福友, 高星(执笔). 2018. 河北阳原县板井子旧石器时代遗址2015年发掘简报. 考古, (11): 3-14.
57. 王建, 周新郢, 隆浩, 陈福友, 李锋, 陈宇鹏, 葛俊逸, 李小强. 2018. 山东青岛大珠山遗址晚更新世人类活动的环境背景. 人类学学报, 37 (4): 639-651.
58. 陈福友, 李罡, 李玉, 李锋, 仪明洁. 2018. 山东日照黄泥梁旧石器时代遗址发掘简报. 人类学学报, 37 (4): 542-552.
59. 任进城,周静,李锋,陈福友,高星. 2017. 甘肃石峡口旧石器遗址第1地点发掘报告. 人类学学报, 36 (1): 1-17.
60. 王春雪,盛立双,周振宇,李锋,陈雍,高星. 2015. 天津蓟县东营坊遗址出土的石制品. 人类学学报, 34 (1): 14-20.
61. 赵宇超,李锋,陈福友,李罡,王山,高星. 2015. 甘肃徐家城遗址石制品原料最小单元分析. 人类学学报, 34 (3): 318-329.
62. 陈福友, 李罡, 李玉, 李锋. 2015. 山东日照黄泥梁遗址2012年调查与试掘. 人类学学报, 34 (1): 21-27.
63. 李超荣, 李锋, 李浩. 2014. 丹江口库区红石坎I旧石器地点发掘简报. 人类学学报, 33 (1): 17-26.
64. 汪英华, 刘家旭, 单明超, 李锋, 陈福友. 2014. 内蒙古大窑遗址27号洞石制品研究. 人类学学报, 33 (1): 51-59.
65. 陈福友, 李锋, 高星, 王惠民, 裴树文, 冯兴无, 张双权, 张乐, 刘德成, 张晓凌, 关莹. 2012. 宁夏水洞沟遗址第2地点发掘报告. 人类学学报, 31 (4): 317-333.
66. 徐欣, 李锋, 陈福友, 黄鑫, 高星. 2012. 百色六怀山附近新发现的旧石器. 人类学学报, 31 (2):144-150.
67. 王春雪, 张乐, 李锋. 2009. 旧石器时代晚期个人装饰品的象征性意义——以鸵鸟蛋皮串珠为例. 民族艺术 (3): 94-99.