
别 :

称 : 助理教授 Assistant Professor

历 :
2020.9 毕业于美国纽约大学古代世界研究所,获哲学博士学位
New York University, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, PhD
2017.5 于美国纽约大学古代世界研究所,获哲学硕士学位
New York University, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, MPhil
2012.7 毕业于北京大学考古文博学院(考古学专业),获历史学学士学位
Peking University, School of Archaeology and Museology, Bachelor of History

任职简历 :
2022.9-至今 北京大学考古文博学院,助理教授
Peking University, School of Archaeology and Museology, Assistant Professor
2021.11-2022.8 浙江大学艺术与考古学院,特聘研究员
Zhejiang University, School of Art and Archaeology, Distinguished Researcher
2020.10-2021.9 上海纽约大学-复旦大学联合培养博士后
New York University Shanghai & Fudan University, Postdoctoral Fellow

研究方向 :
中亚考古与艺术Archaeology and Art of Central Asia
墓葬考古 Burial Study
古代中外文化交流Intercultural Exchanges in the Ancient World

学术活动 :
Executive Field Director:Excavations and Surveys of Burials in the Bukhara Region (Uzbekistan)
Trench Supervisor:Excavations of Baligang Neolithic Site in Henan Province (China), Hodzha-Adzhvandi-tepa and Bash-tepa at the Bukhara Oasis (Uzbekistan),Aparani Berd Bronze Age site (Armenia), Medieval Castle of the Prince of Halych-Volynia in Chełm (Poland)

学术论著 :

• Ш. Ван, С. Мирзаахмедов, С. Штарк. (2020) Раскопки курганов у оазисной стены Кампир Девор Бухарского Согда в 2018 году (Лявандак и Кызыл-тепа), Археологические исследования в Узбекистане 2018-2019 года, Выпуск 12, pp. 62-72.
• Sören Stark, Fiona J. Kidd, Jamal K. Mirzaakhmedov, Shujing Wang, Robert N. Spengler III, Silvia Pozzi, Zachery Silvia, Sirodzh J. Mirzaakhmedov. (2020) The Uzbek-American Expedition in Bukhara. Preliminary Report on the Third Season (2017). Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2020.1769495.

• “Sharing the Mortuary Space: New Observations on the Burial Rituals in the Bukhara Region”, Conference “European Association of Archaeologists 2022 Annual Conference”, Budapest, Hungary/Online, September 3, 2022.
• “Burials at the Frontier: Jiaohe Cemeteries Revisited”, Online Conference “Chinese Frontiers and Central Eurasia: Art, Archaeology and History at the Turn of the Common Era”, New York, United States, December 4, 2020.
• “Mortuary Practices, Production and Exchanges in the Borderland: A Case Study from the Bukhara Oasis”, Conference “84th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology”, Albuquerque, United States, April 12, 2019.
• “New Excavations of the Kurgan Burials at the Fringes of the Bukhara Oasis”, Conference “Third Meeting of the Hellenistic Central Asia Research Network”, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, November 16, 2018.